Coaching isn't therapy.

It's product development, with You as the product.

Fast Company magazine

“I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable.”

John Russell (Managing Director, Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd)

LSC Esther Lehmann-Sow speaking

Is coaching for me?

Many people think that being good at something means that you don’t need outside input to improve further. Yet, it’s the best athletes who have a coach to optimise their performance and help them reach their full potential.

Coaching can provide the safe space you need to explore your questions more deeply, clarify your options / priorities and exercise your muscles in the area you desire to grow in.

If you feel like you have more to offer, then coaching is a great way to push your boundaries and lengthen your stride.

Perhaps you’re heading towards a goal but wonder how you can stay the course given the multiple demands and competing expectations on you. A coach can help you navigate this jungle with more serenity and improved chances of reaching your objective.

My coaching approach:

My role as coach is to support you in reaching your goals; our meetings are safe spaces where exploring new perspectives and pushing limits can be done within the boundaries you set. In each session we’ll agree on what you want to achieve through our discussion. We’ll explore the topic in depth and you will walk out with new clarity and a couple of specific action points you will commit to do.

I have seen that being successful in the long run is best achieved by being well rounded in all areas of life and therefore approach coaching from a holistic angle. I am personally deeply enriched by centering my professional, personal and spiritual life around Jesus Christ, but enjoy engaging with people of other faiths or none in a mutually respectful exchange.

I offer executive and group coaching in 3 languages: English, French and German.

Do you want to try out coaching first?

Check out options for executive coaching sessions

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