Focus Coaching

Personal and professional growth is a journey. New opportunities arise, new challenges emerge and greater clarity is needed in certain areas.

Here is a set of coaching offers on specific focus areas:

  • Ready for the job interview!

    Ready for the job interview!

    Job interviews are a great opportunity to make a positive impression and an unavoidable gate to access your aspired job .

    How can you prepare well for the job interview and avoid making common mistakes?

    How can you anticipate what the panel is looking for in the ideal candidate? What questions should you be prepared to answer? How can you position your strengths and past achievements as asset for the new role? How can you describe your leadership style, your strengths or how you deal with emotions?

    Working through these aspects together, will position you on a strong footing and make you stand out among other applicants. I will provide feedback and advice to you, we will practice the most difficult parts together and you can ask me any question you might have.

    Instead of losing your serenity doing a job interview, you will be confident and know how to present yourself as the candidate they had been looking for.

  • The trap of pleasing others

    Overcoming the trap of pleasing others

    Be it at home, with friends, supervisor, team or peers, we spend a lot of energy on making others happy. While pleasing others is a virtue, taken too far it can sabotage your personal and professional growth.

    In these sessions:

    • You will learn to understand your motivation for seeking to please others and what it looks like when it goes too far;

    • You will learn how to establish boundaries and why they are not only good for you but also for those you care about;

    • You will practice maintaining your boundaries instead of giving in to the urge to satisfy the needs of others;

    • You will work on confronting intrusions into your protected space without feeling guilty about it.

    Instead of letting your kindness sabotage your life, you will improve your well-being and your relationships and reclaim the joy of genuine service.

  • You can be the one they trust to do what they need to get donese

    Be the one they believe in

    Being a leader requires people to trust you: your supervisor, your direct reports, your peers, all need to be confident that you are and do what they need to be successful.

    In these sessions:

    • You will learn how to inspire confidence by clearly articulating the goal you’re pursuing and how you plan to get there;

    • You will grow in awareness of how you show up / are perceived in different situations;

    • You will learn to observe and interpret body language to read the room and respond as the reliable and capable person you are;

    • You will develop ethical political savviness and leverage your influence to get things done;

    • You will identify ways to support yourself to remain graceful and resourceful in stressful situations.

    Because you can trust yourself, your abilities and your goal, you’ll be able to gain the trust of those who rely on you for their success.

  • Throwing off what hinders

    Throwing off what hinders

    Our personal and professional progress gets stifled when we are encumbered by burdens obstructing our movements. These burdens can take various forms, like unhelpful habits, beliefs and mindsets. They weigh us down instead of propelling us towards our goal.

    In this session:

    • You will define (or reaffirm) the goal you are pursuing, become clear about its importance for you and about the cost of not getting there;

    • You will get a clear idea of the specific things that encumber you, understand what ‘letting go’ would look like and how it would increase your chances of reaching your goal;

    • You will exercise your ‘letting go’-muscles, deal with obstacles, be both kind and decisive with yourself and build new helpful habits, beliefs and mindsets;

    • You will reaffirm and celebrate your sense of agency as you progress towards your goal.

    Your energy, your self-efficacy and your confidence to lean into your life will spring up high and propel you forward.

  • Thriving as a woman in the humanitarian sector?!

    Thriving as a woman in the humanitarian sector

    Women make up a significant part of the workforce in the humanitarian development and response sector. But not many women get the opportunities, recognition and support they need to thrive in this physically, socially, mentally and emotionally demanding industry.

    In these sessions:

    • You will learn to speak confidently and clearly about your contributions and celebrate your achievements in front of others;

    • You will practice sharing your ideas, being assertive in expressing your feelings and needs, and protecting your boundaries;

    • You will discover internal and external resources available to you to deal with work and non-work related stressors;

    • You will become aware of your response mechanisms to mental and physical stress and strengthen healthy response patterns.

    As you minister to the needy, you will know how to avoid running on empty by taking care of yourself, by confidently contributing your ideas and expressing your needs, claiming your space and by putting yourself out there as the real You.

  • Resilience in the face of adversity

    Resilience in the face of adversity

    Our life’s journey is punctuated by adversity, anxieties and other significant stressors. While we can feel drained by the intensity and frequency of such phases, we can learn to embrace, navigate and adapt to them.

    In these sessions:

    • You will learn to acknowledge the pain in adversity and at the same time discover the opportunities adversity offers;

    • You will build your confidence to cope with the strain by tapping deep into your values and identity;

    • You will adjust your thought patterns from complaining and blaming to embracing the challenge, seeking to harness it for your personal and professional growth,

    • And you will identify and access resources that can help you deal with the challenges, be they intrinsic, spiritual or external.

    You will respond to challenges with courage and hope, confident that they will grow and mature you, and knowing how to access the resources necessary to make it through.