Closing the gender gap

social taboos, gender gap

Our often unconscious, but powerful biases can become roadblocks to achieving our sincere commitment to equal opportunity. Our organisational cultures, if they are not safe and inclusive, will undermine the best policies and strategies.

Unclear expectations regarding desired behaviour, social taboos left unaddressed, inconsistent modelling of leaders and performance measures that don’t deliver make it difficult to uphold goals and monitor progress towards them.

Defining competencies and strategically building them across the board room, executive teams and managers requires systematic and ongoing commitment.

Closing the gender gap is not a women’s or an HR issue. Its an all-of-enterprise commitment.

I can work with you, your HR team, managers and female staff to help you understand the underlying issues, identify opportunities for forward movement and put in place processes that will see the gender gap close up.

I can also join an organisation event you’re holding to speak to your teams to challenge and to inspire them.

Talent - sourcing, development, growth and retention

attracting, growing and keeping talent

In many low and middle income countries, finding, growing and retaining talent is a constant challenge - and the ‘great attrition’ hasn’t made things simpler…

How can we better spot internal talent? What are effective ways to grow individuals while also building strong and high-performing teams? How can the ‘invisible middle’ and overlooked demographics be more intentionally nurtured?

How can leadership move from tactical to strategic action, sustaining gains through organisational culture? How do you source, build and retain specific profiles in contexts where these profiles are low in numbers yet in high demand?

My extensive experience in building and managing high performing teams in resource constrained contexts allows me to come alongside your HR and management team to strategically plan workforce, build skills, optimise performance processes and strengthen your organisational culture.