Career - Family - Self-care

work-life balance social norms traditions

Accomplished multi-task manager at home, successful leader at work, physically and mentally strong - does this describe your life, your goal or your dream?

What if life is messy? What about me in a season of life that revolves mainly around others?

Being kind to myself: isn’t this the duty of my family and employer?

What if underlying traditions and social norms seem to frustrate your efforts to change things?

How do you reconnect to your career, update your skills, calm your anxieties and access support when transitioning back into work?

How can you, as a manager, create an environment that allows parents to balance work requirements, professional growth and child care?

Do you seek to support the growth of female talent? Do you deal with managers who find accommodating mothers too complicated? Are your organisational policies and culture ripe for a review to create a more empowering space for mothers?

Are you transitioning back to work and wonder if you are up to the task? Are you balancing parenting and work? Do you need time for yourself and struggle to find it? Are you unhappy with how you fulfil your various roles?

For many parents, carving out regular time slots to gain new perspectives and insights proves transformational. I’m offering to come alongside you over a series of individual coaching sessions - to make a protected space, where its all about YOU.

Balancing parenting and work can be pretty trying and isolating. Joining a community of people with similar realities gives you new perspectives, fresh insights and a support network. I invite you to join a series of group coaching sessions where career, family and self-care will be the focus.

You want to understand and address gender bias, transform your organisational culture and define shared expectations regarding desired behaviour? Contact me to identify underlying issues and put in place processes that will allow you to measure improved performance in this domaine.

During an event I can encourage parents in your organisation and challenge complacent colleagues to be more supportive. I can inspire and offer actionable ideas to your team.