Terms & Condition
This agreement between the Coach and the Client shapes the personal commitment of each party towards the success of the coaching engagement.
The Relationship
In agreeing to a coaching relationship, the Coach and the Client understand that coaching:
● Is a structured conversation with a measurable outcome that requires a collaborative approach between the Coach and Client.
● May address work performance, skill levels, well-being and general conditions in the Client’s profession or life as they impact on workplace performance.
● Will not address needs requiring counselling or therapy such as mental health issues. The Client may be referred to other support services if appropriate.
● Is not a solution to all needs and there may be situations, other than those mentioned above, where coaching is not appropriate. This will be discussed between Coach and Client.
Coach Commitments
Throughout the working relationship the Coach will:
● Maintain confidentiality and adhere to ethical guidelines (see confidentiality and ethics).
● Provide a learning environment for the Client which is high in trust and challenges them to think differently and act on it.
● Engage in direct and personal conversations either face-to-face, by phone or virtual technology as agreed between the parties.
● Determine with the Client the most useful and desired outcomes.
● Apply contemporary coaching practices and take an evidence based approach.
● Take a whole systems approach, partnering with the organisation to ensure all required support is provided to the Client and stakeholder input is obtained where appropriate or necessary.
● Seek feedback and review coaching outcomes achieved against the goals set.
Client Commitments
Throughout the working relationship the Client will:
● Demonstrate a willingness to be actively involved and committed to coaching.
● Participate with an open mind and a readiness to move forward.
● Come prepared and on-time to all coaching sessions with interim activities completed.
● Set with the Coach, the interim activities to be carried out between coaching sessions and action these in order to obtain the full benefit from coaching.
● Give permission to the Coach to challenge thinking and behaviour during the coaching sessions in support of development goals.
● Take notes and record actions
Confidentiality and Ethics
● Any information discussed or issues raised during coaching will be kept strictly confidential.
● The Coach may maintain a file of minimal notes for the sole purpose of supporting the coaching. They will ensure complete confidentiality of this information, except in rare circumstances where decreed by law or as agreed with the Client for a specified purpose. The Coach may record coaching sessions for her own continued professional development and for this purpose possibly share with ICF accredited coaches. Complete confidentiality of this information will be maintained.
● The Coach will ensure coaching notes and recordings are either destroyed on completion or stored securely.
● The Coach commits to abiding by the Code of Ethics designated by the International Coach Federation.
● The Coach may record the Client’s name and contact details for the purpose of a coaching log which is required for International Coach Federation credentials.
Payment and Refund Policy
● In general, purchases of coaching services will be done through the website where prices and conditions for the specific services are detailed.
● Particular agreements and discounts can be agreed between the parties. The invoice specifies the amount and date due for payment.
● If you decide that your purchase was not the right decision, within 48 hours of your enrolment, contact LSC to inform us about your desire for a refund.
Cancellation/Postponement/No-show Policy
● When you make the bookings you have the option to place the bookings into your personal calendars - please do this. You will be sent a reminder when you book the sessions.
We would request as much notice as possible to any changes that are needed
● Cancellations or postponements of coaching sessions must be made via email at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance. There will be no refunds or transfers for cancellations or postponements after this cut off time - full payment will be required.
● If the counterpart misses the appointment, no refund or postponement will be applied.