I was able to say “No” and negotiate my workload for the first time!
Learning to say ‘NO’ and negotiate work load is a vital skill to learn for personal and professional growth!
When you’re not in the room…
If the important decisions about you will be made when you’re not in the room (as goes the saying), does this make you nervous or confident?
The surprisingly energizing effect of being yourself
The time with my client had been inteded to prepare her for meeting an investor - it turned out to be much more than that…
Coaching and mental health
Coaching strengthens foundational aspects of psychological well-being like self-awareness, the sense of agency and personal purpose while providing support to shift from unhelpful mindsets and behaviours to more helpful ones. Coaching can therefore be used as a tool to strengthen mental health of individuals and teams, making them more engaged and productive.
Reclaimed dignity
Have you heard or said this as well?
'Others can do my job much better than I'
Missing the Obvious
For years in our work we had only marginally engaged with religious leaders them – and we weren’t making the expected progress. When we made them central to our approach and they became publicly validated messages, it allowed for an almost immediate shift in attitudes and behaviours. And impact happened!
The Wisdom of Children
During today’s heavy rain I was remembering a Sahelian boy’s insights from observing the clouds.
Recovering from procrastination
Nothing to gain from it! Procrastinating only leaves me with a bad feeling, drained energy and the knowledge of missed opportunities or accumulated work for the next day.
Two special women
There are two women who made a lasting impression on me while working in Africa
Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.
I vividly remember the launch of World Vision‘s first development project on the periphery of the capital city of Mauritania