The untapped turbo for Sustainable Development:


Religion Faith Spirituality

With over 80% of the world identifying with a faith (Pew Research The Global Religious Landscape | Pew Research Center), faith is sometimes coined the New Black.

It can be a powerful connector and driver for good.

Many secular people are uncomfortable about the idea of venturing into the seemingly risky territory of religion while religious people don’t want to come across as bigoted, and so faith is confined to the private domain.

Yet, research has shown that overcoming poverty and its multiple faces requires a change in behaviour, not only knowledge.

Behaviour, in turn, is linked to our mindsets which are formatted by our values - and these values are, for most people, religious in nature.

I can support your teams of diverse faith traditions in how to leverage this potential to:

  • take faith from the 'fluffy' and often controversial space to pragmatic, actionable, steps;

  • use faith values to build an inclusive, diverse and equitable organisational fabric;

  • work across faiths to build peace and opportunities for those on the margins;

  • partner with often overlooked, but critical gatekeepers of social change, e.g. faith leaders, to 'leave no one behind'.

    Let me help you and your teams to relax in engaging with faith aspects;

    I can assist you to understand them, respectfully engage with them and then tap into faith as turbo to achieve and maintain much needed change.

Nurturing your leaders spiritually

Spiritual nurture

Being a leader can be lonely and often messy. Leading in complex humanitarian situations can be draining.

Keeping your head above the water, remaining kind to people who don’t understand the pressure you’re under and staying faithful to yourself and your spiritual values is not a small challenge.

It is therefore essential that on top of technical support, leaders are regularly offered opportunities to replenish spiritually to keep them going.

Having led teams myself through multiple high pressure situations while being a mother and wife, I would love to share the spiritual nourishment that kept me going and growing.

While I will do this from an overtly Christ centred and biblical perspective, I am very comfortable to have people of other faiths or of no faith participate in the reflection in an attitude of mutual respect of our differences.